I can’t remember if my sister every tried to marry me off to any family pets/stuffed animals/ plastic dolls that might have been lying around. But there are enough pictures of me in white dresses to suspect that when I finally do get married, the ceremony could possibly be interrupted by several irate teddy bears screaming “bigamist!”.

Never underestimate what a wonderful gift it is to be able to repress childhood memories. Now my mom only makes me relive those embarrassing moments when I bring my girlfriend home, or when I friends come over, or when she takes the pictures out to show to random people on the street…

I enjoyed writing this week’s strips. I’m sure it’s the type of situation anyone with siblings experienced in their childhood. Originally Jimmy was going to marry a stuffed animal, but my girlfriend pointed out that the dog would be funnier because it has more expression. So I went back and drew in Meg in all the places where there was once a stuffed monkey. I have to admit, she was right. I love the idea of the dog being an unwitting participant in something it can sense is a bit strange, but doesn’t know why. I often think humans, with our weird little tics and social superstitions, must look very weird from an animal’s perspective.